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An Emerson Chronology – Albert J. von Frank

coversThe long-awaited, thoroughly revised, much-expanded second edition of this indispensable reference work is now available. The new edition of the Chronology runs to more than 1100 pages and is published as two reasonably-priced softcover volumes.

A limited number of copies will be available for sale at the May 2016 American Literature Association meeting in San Francisco. An Emerson Chronology, Second Edition is also available for purchase online from
Volume One, Volume Two

Praise for the second edition of An Emerson Chronology:

This new, expanded edition of the Emerson Chronology is the best thing to happen in Emerson studies since the completion of the Collected Works. An invaluable tool for all Emerson scholars, this authoritative resource serves as a concise, detailed, and easily accessible blueprint for the life of one of America’s greatest writers. No nineteenth-century collection should be without it.

– Len Gougeon, Distinguished Professor of American Literature, University of Scranton

The Emerson Chronology provides an invaluable detailed account of Emerson’s publishing career, his travels and lecturing, his relations with family and famous contemporaries, his reading, health-history, home-life, and friendships. In so doing, it recreates the architecture of Emerson’s life so that we may clothe it with whatever Emerson is “ours.”  Revised and nearly doubled in size from the 1994 edition, this is a model of the type and an essential work for anyone studying Emerson and his period.

– Joel Myerson, Carolina Distinguished Professor of American Literature, Emeritus, University of South Carolina

An Emerson Chronology has long been an indispensable aid to every serious scholar of the Concord Sage. Now, in this expanded edition, Albert von Frank enriches our appreciation of Emerson’s works and days with a wider view of his social circle in Concord, Boston, and beyond, with pertinent extracts from letters and journals about the leading events of the times, with comments by friends and critics about his essays and lectures, and with the stuff of life that transforms a chronology into a subtle and dense biography. Bank notes and books, sick children, desperate friends, prating politicians, inspiring prophets, people everywhere in search of guidance and meaning, and ideas bursting from the page: these “herbs and apples” of Emerson’s days come before us to savor and ponder, each one a diadem. This is a volume with new insights and connections to be discovered with every reading. We are all in von Frank’s debt.

– Robert A. Gross, Professor of History Emeritus, University of Connecticut

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